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A Non-profit Film

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“There is mystery behind that masked gray visage, and ancient life force, delicate and mighty, awesome and enchanted, commanding the silence ordinarily reserved for mountain peaks, great fires, and the sea.” - Peter Matthiessen

Those of us who have had the privilege of looking deep into the eyes of an elephant, feeling their low rumbles reverberate through to our very core, will attest to the fact that somewhere, buried deep in history, there is an ancient connection between man and elephant. It is more than the instinctual fear between hunter and hunted - rather a recognition of a kindred spirit. 

In the past, humans believed that our empathy and conscience are what set us apart from other animals but the growing body of evidence, collected from across the world, proves just how very wrong we were.

The Heart of the Elephant is a story of wonder, woven together from a tapestry of eye-witness accounts and scientific proof of these gentle giants’ intelligence and undeniable emotional capacity that is far more powerful than we ever acknowledged.


It is a story not just about the love and compassion they feel towards members of their own species but also their ability to distinguish and trust the humans who prove they are deserving of it.  

This is an important time for elephants, more than ever before their habitats are being lost, poaching is at an all time high, and the reality of elephant tourism needs to be exposed. These gentle giants are a keystone species of the planet, who need our help and voice. 

This film is a way to showcase the success stories, discover the real threats and tie together the plight of the African and Asian elephants. From Thailand to Kenya, our team has the support of groundbreaking people who going above and beyond to guarantee the survival of these species. 

Join us in spreading the word, reaching the people who need to hear this message, and helping save one of Earth's most majestic creatures. We are currently in production, having filmed the Thailand/ Asian elephant and looking to film in Kenya spring of 2020. We have an incredible story to showcase there, one of love, compassion and never giving up hope. We have teamed up with anti-poaching units who will guide us through what the risks are for these incredible beasts, and the people with boots on the ground giving their lives to protect the African elephant. 

Working with non-profits and through A Mother's Earth 501c3, this film will be distributed free of charge in order to spark change and enhance awareness of what we believe is a very important time sensitive message, and keep that beating heart of the elephant alive.


The Heroes We Work With 

Sangduen "Lek" Chailert is known in Thailand and throughout the world as "the elephant whisperer." What people are exposed to early in their lives can have an impact on their future endeavors. Lek founded Elephant Nature Park and has successfully rescued over 120 Asian elephants. Lek’s mission continues to affect others as her voice is heard throughout the world. Her story and voice have made an impact in the minds of all who give their lives to animal welfare and conservation. Lek’s mission to save the Asian elephants continues to expand. She has formed the Save Elephant Foundation and a dedicated team works tirelessly by her side to protect the Asian elephant.. 

“Converting scientific concepts into narrative stories helps me see patterns in nature that I hadn’t realized were there. 

It also helps bring a fantastical character to life that has gotten under my skin and won’t stop itching until I reveal its true nature to others…”Cognitive functions, such as perception, attention, learning, memory, and motor control, are all influenced by emotion. Understanding the interaction between cognitive processing and emotion in other intelligent species, such as elephants, may provide clues to human medical disorders, such as autism, depression and addictions.

Dr. Caitlin O'Connell

“Being orphaned is a profoundly traumatic event, both physically and psychologically, and many orphans suffer from starvation, dehydration or injuries caused by predators or humans." This delicate task of rescuing orphans and raising them to go back to the wild is a not for the weak. 

Their Keepers play a crucial role in supporting and nurturing the orphans as their lost mothers' would have done. They offer them unconditional love, emotional support and the learning experiences that each young elephant needs to grow, as they would have received from their absent mothers. 

David Sheldrick Foundation


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